Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sexual Orientation Is The Dominant, Or Normal, Sexual, And...

Introduction Sexual orientationism is best described as discrimination or prejudice against homosexuals on the assumption that heterosexuality is the dominant, or normal, sexual orientation. Within society there are many barriers, assumptions, and stigmas placed upon the queer community, numerous of which steam from this heterosexist stance that has become the dominant ideology. This stance has historical significance in trauma, and oppression of those within the sexual minority, and how this can play on representation. Social Location Because sexual orientationism, or homophobia, is something that is unconsciously encouraged since our youth by the media and its lack of representation of the queer community, there is often a lot of work that has to be done internally in order to understand and accept homosexuality, regardless of whether you identify with or simply wish to be an ally. My understanding of my privilege or oppression with sexual orientation comes from many years of internally restructuring my own understanding of societal norms. I had a much easier time of accepting the community from my mother who was always there to encourage my acceptance, and growth not only of, but within the community. As an individual who identifies as a pansexual male, my deconstruction of what was proposed as the norm, and reconciling that with my own understanding of what I felt inside to be true was fairly straight forward, but no less substantial. However, I do recognize my ownShow MoreRelatedThe Perception Of Micro Aggress ion Essay1429 Words   |  6 Pagesitself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. As a part of the society, it is unavoidable to enjoy the power and the privilege while experience the discrimination or micro-aggression both consciously or unconsciously. The sexual orientation and race is closely related to the power and the privilege. 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